Mindlessness in the Course in Miracles (ACIM) means so much more than not paying attention. Since we are going for all the time, being mindless is agreeing with the miscreations in the ego thought system to spotlight the projected forms of the planet as reality as opposed to the mind since the cause. It can be avoidance of admitting the decision we have been really making which would be to deny Love, God and Truth by pretending we do not find out how were choosing, or that we’re struggling to choose differently (helpless).
ACIM is all about content, or mind, you use for your cause; and cause ‘s what you happen to be choosing, or agreeing with, in the mind. You see the attached effect as soon as you do this. Forms will be the behaviors and things projected in to the world as miscreations manufactured by the ego, i.e., they can be merely judgments from agreeing with the ego mind as cause.
Forms are mindlessness which leads to helplessness. All-natural progression is into projected passive-aggressive behaviors to take care of situations.
The definition of mindless is, “Acting or done without justification or concern for your consequences.” In other words, you become you have no idea what you’re doing and there’s no choice.
Let’s be clear: It can be agreeing using the ego that you are a helpless victim of forms (connection between the ego) then there is nothing you can do but modify behaviors. You happen to be choosing both “right” and “wrong” ego mind perception that’s agreeing with error and utilizing error to take care of error.
The phrase ‘helpless’ is, “Unable to guard oneself or act without help,” also it plays out this way:
Help: Mindlessness is selecting (agreeing to) the ego’s help because you target forms as opposed to content. You’re at the mercy of ego conditions, must choose most notable for experiences, and see no chance out (helpless).
Defense: If you attempt to solve form problems within form, as an alternative to providing them with up for correction with the mind, the only real ego option would be attack. All attack is meant to defend (protect) the ego’s errors, i.e., accept them by joining them which is projection.
Passive-aggressive thoughts and behaviors are the ego’s strategy to this mindless helplessness. This is a strategy to feel stronger plus control over the world.
Most consider war a hostile attack. Passive is additionally panic or anxiety attack or even a denial of affection because it’s agreeing with ego conditions (errors) and projecting those onto another. Because it is so covert, it’s harder to realize until you decide you have had enough, grow it into the light and look at it.
Ego Wrong Mind:
Overt Attacks (blatant and obvious)
Ego Right Mind:
Covert Attacks (concealed and hidden)
Through guilt (shame and embarrassment), we’ve been taught not to express anger because it’s wrong. Also, you will find a concern with punishment for sins (things we consider wrong). This leads straight to passive thoughts and behaviors and vacillation between those and aggressiveness.
Aggressive is: “Readily or planning to attack or confront.”
Passive is: “Accepting or allowing what others do without active response or resistance.”
Passive could be the covert (concealed and hidden) adaptive “anger behind the scenes” victim attack. Here’s some methods the ego’s judgments attack in response to the no-way-out scenario of forms:
Avoidance – ignore – evade – procrastinate – obstruct – non-communication – competition fears – being ambiguous – sulking – tardiness – chronic forgetfulness – nervous about intimacy – anxiety about dependency – making excuses – resentfulness – irritability – cynical or hostile attitude – sullen – victim and victimizer – self-pity – blaming – withholding – learned helplessness
Helplessness is asking error to fix error. The ego’s solution to which is more feelings of insecurity, mistrust, deficiency of truthfulness, resentment, all negativity and making enemies. It is just a matter of time until aggression gets control of.
Forgiveness to eliminate
Let’s make our continuing discussion of forgiveness to sneak. If you think maybe about to catch using all of these aspects, you may want to reconsider because perform. In ACIM, the world was made by us because we thought we will do “better than” God and the Love. The ego’s projections (attacks) are to put your sin, guilt and fear seemingly outside yourself to help you feel as if you’re a lot better than another.
A lot better than you: Passive covert victim is (a) worries of competition because someone else could possibly be better and, (b) given that they have no choice (mindless). Aggressive overt victimizer is (c) passive or aggressive attacks to hurt another. You’re here simply because you thought you could do better; and projections (that is everything) are really you’ll be able to feel great than another person (separation).
Same as you: Passive covert victim is (a) agreeing with your inescapable and mindless ego forms and types of conditions. Aggressive overt victimizer is (b) using passive or aggressive attacks to harm another. You’re same in sin (error) and also the sole method to fix error (forms) is usually to agree with error (mindless).
Martyr: Passive covert victim is (a) as a victim of the behaviors completed to them. Aggressive overt victimizer is (b) using passive attacks to harm another, i.e., the tirade of angry thoughts judging the victimizer’s sins. You absolutely agree that error (sin) is real, have to be judged and punished with death.
Bargaining and compromise: Passive covert victim is (a) since you just agreed (bargained) using the ego’s errors for help. Aggressive overt victimizer is (b) using passive or aggressive compromise to remedy the behaviors in the broken bargains. You might be a slave for the ego’s help because you agree this is a mindless (form) world, no way out; and you have to deal with situations by modifying behaviors (bargain and compromise) within error.
Chance to Decide
We don’t see we’ve the electricity to determine until we stop emphasizing form conditions from the ego (behaviors and things) and go inward. Real change is merely from the mind which is in places you will quickly realize the perfect solution.
The potency of our capacity to choose lies in where we’re choosing inside the split mind. Ego says the choice is between its own aspects (ego right and wrong mind), that is a choice within the illusion. Really, the strength is based on choosing to surrender all aspects of the illusion in favor of the facts (Love). This course targets your decision maker for this purpose.
In ACIM, it says that the whole misery arises from the fact we’re powerless; understanding that being helpless could be the cost of opting to trust sin because truth about ourselves. Helplessness (effect or condition of sin) is merely a sort of attack the industry denial of the real Truth that you’re a sinless mind and possess the ability and strength to choose differently at any moment.
Determining to believe (agree) in helplessness also contributes to believing you are not the Son of God and they are therefore His enemy and attack is important. Helplessness and victimization attacks (projections) are designed to maintain the hate going so that you feel as if you’ll be able to control and rule the entire world. Also, in the strange ego twist, if you aren’t prepared to attack, you are an enemy of the ego because you are not accepting its interpretation of salvation and might actually choose out from the system and don’t forget God (its biggest fear).
Listening and agreeing with the ego has projected a whole lot of sin for perception through the body. By leaving forms and back into the mind, we are able to perceive (see) over the vision in the Holy Spirit where our planet as a simply denial of affection, no error has occurred, nothing has happened and it’s really not real. The theory came from us (Source) inside the mind and we can plan to give it up.
Creation is Love and that is what is real. And that means you “see,” denying forms and going into the mind exchanges helplessness for strength within the mind to select differently. That’s choosing again. The ego’s difference is separation and covertly choosing between its errors.
For each other, happiness is often a constant which never changes because when we choose Love, we’re picking out the changeless. Our desire is the necessary evidence of our ability to choose again (differently). Never to to become helpless and mindless any further, give up the desire to become that way and change you mind. That’s all we have to do.
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