Doug West of Moyers, Oklahoma may be helping businesses online since 1997. Home based businesses along with physical. He specializes in SEO and internet-based video promotion for his customers. West claims that his Kosoma LLC will get videos ranked inside the search quicker than website pages, which if done right they can also help your website improve search engine rank.
Doug West of Kosoma Publishing has received negative and positive experiences online. “The issue is that any individual – even your competition – will get on the internet and say anything with regards to you. You might have web sites like Ripoff Claim that will post anything negative for you or anybody” explained West.
“We experienced that experience with your own small business. Seems it turned out a man that took an online trading class we were offering then decided he wished to sell his or her own trading
training (which has been a violation in the contract he signed with us). His marketing strategy would have been to defame us then steal our students and affiliates. A number of our students did go with him, most ones came back and told us the guy was crazy. He is at business for a couple months, but has recently faded out of sight” West told us.
The problem is that those negative things with Ripoff Report stay online forever! For whatever reason Google really loves negative reports and so they have them full of the search ranks. Ripoff Report is mainly responsible for a whole industry of companies who sell services to really get your Ripoff Report negative articles disassembled! Ripoff Report now sells it’s own plan to pack up your negative reports. Lots of people are calling it for real of it’s own – a criminal extortion scam by it’s owner Ed Magedson.
Doug West of Kosoma Publishing LLC now uses his knowledge of Ripoff Report to help other companies using their search reputation. His company Kosoma Publishing targets
audio and video production and internet-based promotion. He’s a recording studio in Oklahoma, and it has recorded many songs and jingles along with music for his client’s video and ad
“We perform large amount of work with an area sports network that broadcasts high school sports. We all do commercials for anyone games” West explained.
West says the markets he has traded for years have really changed, which even pro floor traders experienced difficulty with these. “We trade mostly NADEX options now. I’ll often be trading something. I love that, we like to create music and videos” West told us.
In case your company needs professional help with getting search engine rankings using video, contact Doug West of Kosoma Publishing via his website at:
In case you have had downside to Ripoff Report along with the crook owner Ed Magedson – don’t be seduced by his criminal extortion where he wants to charge you Thousands of dollars to remove
his often false information, please see:
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